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Re: Grouping questions

Lots of constructive ideas coming out now. Great!

[Foo, Bar, Honk, Quack, Gronk]
> *How important is it that your computer be a laptop.

I completely agree with Bob that our primary concern right now is to
finalize the qualifiers for the questions we want to ask. Are we really
that restricted to using only one set of qualifiers for our questions? I
think it would be difficult to have one set of qualifiers for the whole
survey, and the qualifiers can be changed to maintain survey readability
without altering the analytical design of the survey.

As for the laptop issue, my understanding was that this was a binary
question ... I would be concerned about how to map six possible answers
without some level of uncertainty. Then again I could be convinced
otherwise. :-)

Okay, here's an attempt to put a bit more order in the groupings

User Type
     (would include Laptop question)
User Interface
Multiple Users / multiple terminals
     (put Server Services here)
System Administration
     (Include ISP Support here)
     (Should we include free software here?)
     (Educational Software)
Emerging technologies
     (ASDL and other issues here)

Did I miss anything?

To give an idea of what we're looking at, I'l structure 0x009 to reflect
the above. At some point, I think I'd like to remove the comments and
stuff to give us an idea of the 'true' size of the monster. I figure I
could do this on a separate page via CVS (I think I've got the hang of
it now, thanks to Roger and Simon). Reactions?

Pete St. Onge - McGill U.  Limnology - Fun with Ropes & Buckets
pete_st_onge@iname.com         http://wwp.mirabilis.com/4322052
SEUL Expert Group - Linux for All!          http://www.seul.org
Programming For Science Page        http://www.trentu.ca/~erpds