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as you might be able to see, I've joined both the "Kid's Games on Linux"
and the "seul-edu" lists, so those on both lists, please ignore me the
'second time around'. Indeed, feel free to ignore me the first time around
I thought I should intro m'self, just so that when I start posting, you'll
all be able to say "ah, that strange guy from 'Stralia again." ;')
I'm married, 2 boys - who are being "Home Educated", and I am a System
Analyst with a company very shortly to be known as "S1 Corporation".
I've been programming for > 15 years, but only recently on U*ix. My O/S of
choice is FreeBSD, although OpenBSD looks interesting, as does NetBSD (for
non-Intel hardware).
I am a supporter of "OpenSource", which obviously includes the GNU project
and Linux.
My "other computer" is a TRS-80 Model 100 laptop (3 of), but I also use a
Psion Series 3MX as my organiser.
Oh, and anything with a "DEC" or "digital" logo on it is of almost
religious significance to me (I was born in DECember, so I've always been a
DECcie ;'). And speaking of 'religion', I am a Christian (presently of the
Presbyterian persuasion, but that's "optional"), and I have to head off
We live on the beautiful Central Coast just north of Sydney, NSW
(Australia), and I look forward to participating in these two lists.
Harry & Karen Woodward-Clarke
"Unless the Lord builds the House,
its builders labour in vain." Psalm 127:1 (NIV)