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Re: Project releasing

"Miguel A. Osorio" wrote:

>         So I have this question... I'd like to release a demo, but how do I do
> so, using MSVC++ 6.0 in this case, but without having to include in the
> release all those damn DLLs and stuff it requires to run? I mean, can I
> link the whole thing statically? How? Of course, I'm not talking about
> DLLs like opengl or other system stuff, only those related to MSVC++.
> Many thanks,
> Miguel A. Osorio.
> PS: Oh, please forgive the fact that I'm asking a windoze question on
> *this* list :)

Why should we forgive that?  It's a *really* dumb question to ask on
a Linux-specific mailing list - go away and ask it somewhere else!

----------------------------- Steve Baker -------------------------------
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