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Re: Parsing OpenGL extensions string

Miguel A. Osorio wrote:
Hey people,

I recently downloaded a GDC presentation by Mark Kilgard on OpenGL extensions, and there's a section on using extensions. Run-time checking of extensions is done by searching inside the string returned by glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), but Kilgard advises *not* to use the standard function "strstr", using instead glutExtensionSupported or other routine.

What would be the problem using strstr?
I believe the problem was when the first characters of one extension matched
the whole of another extension.

eg If you were searching for "glWidget" and your card only supported "glWidget_NV", a
   naive strstr would report that the card had the extension - when in fact it

I forget which specific extension was exhibiting the problem - but you can see the
obvious scope for problems.

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Steve Baker                      (817)619-2657 (Vox/Vox-Mail)
L3Com/Link Simulation & Training (817)619-2466 (Fax)
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