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for StarShip game ppl

This is just a preliminary sketch in c++ of some of the ideas and
classes used in the game.  Mostly this is for Kenn, but whoever is
interested in helping us let me know.

I want to clean up the variables, Kenn already gave some suggestions,
but I haven't got to that yet.  Right now you can move about a bit, but
only in text, and there isn't actually anything going on.  In fact it is
in a total state of un-gameness (tm).

/* #include <GPL> */
#include <iostream.h>

class Port {                             //this is the class for handling all port activities
  char *name;                            //please add variables to this to extend functionality
  int xPosition;
  int yPosition;
  Port(int x, int y) 
      name = "Unnamed";
      xPosition = x;
      yPosition = y;
  ~Port() { if(name) delete name; }
  void ShowStats()
      cout << "Name: " << name << endl;
      cout << "Coord " << xPosition << ", " << yPosition << endl;
  void ChangeName(char *str) 
      name = new char[strlen(str)+1];
      strcpy(name, str);

class P {
  Port *port[10][10];
  P() {                          //this constructor just inits all ports  
     for(int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
      for(int y =0;y<10;y++) {
	port[x][y] = new Port(x, y);
  Port *GetPort(int x, int y)    //currently only returns the port requested
      return port[x][y];

struct uni_map {                 //haven't done anything with this yet
  P *portlist;


void main()
  Port *currentPort;              //the port that the ship is currently in
  P *currentMap;                  //the map being used
  char ch = 'h';                        //these two are used for input
  char buffer[20];
  char buffer2[20];

  currentMap = new P(); 
  currentPort = currentMap->GetPort(0, 0);
  cout << "StarShip version 0.0.1" << endl;    
  while(strcmp(buffer, "quit")) {
    cout << ".";
    cin >> buffer;
    if(!strcmp(buffer, "view")) currentPort->ShowStats();
    if(!strcmp(buffer, "change")) {
      cout << "Name: ";
      cin >> buffer2;

    if(!strcmp(buffer, "goto")) {
      int x;
      int y;
      cout << "X: ";
      cin >> x;
      cout << "Y: ";
      cin >> y;
      currentPort = currentMap->GetPort(x, y);