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Re: SEUL: Sample Webpages for SEUL-PUB
Anand_R_Vaidya@notes.seagate.com wrote:
> I have redesigned the SEUL pages (index.html, links.html and links2.html). The
> colour scheme is very different from the existing scheme . I am using
> light-purple for navigation bar and black-on-white text for main data area.
I've read that black text on a white background is not optimal for use
on a transmissive medium like a computer monitor, as it causes more
strain for the viewer and is thus more difficult to use for extended
periods of time than lower contrast combinations. You may want to
change the black to a light grey and see if that makes it more
comfortable to use. Also, I find that the red for visited links tends
to "throb" a bit against the light-purple background of the navigation
bar; would you consider trying a different color for the visited links?
If we do decide to implement a major change in how the SEUL site looks,
we need to have an easy way to change the look of subsidiary sites to
match. I'm thinking particularly SEUL/edu (since that's my area of
responsibility), where we've made all our pages match the blue and tan
of the current design. If the style sheet can be easily applied to
them, I think it's clearly the best way to make stylistic changes to the
entire site.
Doug Loss The difference between the right word and
Data Network Coordinator the almost right word is the difference
Bloomsburg University between lightning and a lightning bug.
dloss@bloomu.edu Mark Twain