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Re: SEUL: Re: I am *not* giving up

bruce@va.debian.org wrote:

> If you aren't going to give up, I suggest you do several things to deal
> with the level of useless talk:
> 1. Banish non-programmers from the early development.
> You've heard as much as you need to hear from them about what they
> need. Most of the people on this list don't have the first idea about
> how to fix a Linux distribution, because they don't have the basic skills.
> Yes, they can tell you what they don't like, but that's already happened,
> and now they are just making noise.

As I understand, this is why the SEG exists... unfortunately there has been no
traffic on that list for a month now.Besides, as I non-programmer I believe I
CAN make a contribution, on -pub and SEG. I just have sufficient dicipline to
avoid blabbering about topics I know nothing about. I hope.

SEUL *needs* to hear from people like myself who are newbies to Linux and have
just gone through the trauma of getting things working (no, i must confess, i did
enjoy it). But not on the -project list.


Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. That
way, if he doesn't like what you have to say, it'll be OK because
you'll be a mile away and you'll have his shoes.
Simon Waldman            email:  swaldman@bigfoot.com
Surrey, England.                 starburst@jazzandjava.com
Half-dead cat found in box - RSCPA seeks Austrian scientist.