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Re: SEUL: gui toolkits
> 1) Linux does not suffer from lack of developmet tools: because it has
> a very high density of programmers between its users, and because many
> software firms use it as a development platform ( it is very close and
> cheaper than commercial Unixes) there is a long time than firms
> selling development tools have ported them to LINUX. In fact
> development tools is the category of software for UNIX with the highest
> proportion of LINUX ports.
> Of course they are not free, neither is Visual Basic.
But Visix (or whatever the VB compatible for Linux is called) sells for
$1,000 or so for the *non-professional* version.
I'd be willing to pay for one, but the price would need to be a little
more reasonable. :-)
> 2) The goal of SEUL is NOT developping a GUI builder and it has more
> urgent needs.
Right. Again, hopefully one of the listed projects will turn out
something useful.
> 3) You are going to develop a GUI builder. A new one (you could try
> improving an existing one). Single handedly. How many man months do
> you think it takes to build a decent one?
No....certainly not single-handedly. I might be willing to assist in a
project to do it.
Micah K. Yoder My computer is 100% Microsoft free!
yoderm@geocities.com Support freedom in computing: Use Linux!
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