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Re: SEUL: Some unanswered questions about SEUL (draft)

Concerning some of the questions Roger rises, this is my opinion:

    - GPL doesn't exclude SEUL may charge a fee for administration
      costs, etc.;
    - As for what SEG concerns, there's no other  way  to  have  the
      scientific community invloved into this development if the GPL
      notice is not clear&loud;
    - Recruit more hackers, tell them what code you need and kick'em
      up to get going: we  need a [Full-Metal-Jacket] Marine Sargent
      here :-)
I've  got  the feeling SEUL is at a standstill because there's not a
sufficient number  of  coders.   IMO,  Omega&Luka  (or someone else)
shouldn't write code but coordinate the hacking and put  the  pieces
together.   We  cannot  expect  a  guy  to  be writing the code of a
subsystem and watching what everyone else's doing, I guess.

I asked about the Help System.  No  one replied to me.  I ask again:
What would you like to know from the SEG about a help system ?   The
MS-Win  type of Help System is developing quite fast.  Some proggies
(say MathCAD Pro 7.0 ) have a help system which is good but requires
at   least   a   15''-to-17''   monitor   (windows   pop   up   from
windows+sensitive help). 


NEW addresses to FISH-ECOLOGY from  Oct. '97 and on (please, print):
The server (a robot):                   <Majordomo@HELIOS.ULPGC.ES>;
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The management:              <FISH-ECOLOGY-REQUEST@HELIOS.ULPGC.ES>.   
FE is strictly academic. Reach >2400 scientists in over 60 countries
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Group (SEG) of a new, upcoming, free, Linux based, easy, GUI OS with
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Aldo-PierSolari  <SolariS@CICEI.ULPGC.ES>, Fish.Res.Gr./ULP
Home-page:  http://www.ulpgc.es/usuarios/solaris/index.html
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