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Re: 2 things
OK, 1st thing, this morning is to request from JFrancois to retake
the install task. If you leave the ship (because of some somehow
light weight discussion) you are just working indirectly for
microsoft and leaving a bunch of people in many places without an OS
which could make their life more decent (not to say to save
elephants, fight off erosion and contribute to produce more beans or
have fewer children sick due to some unstudied parasite-host
interaction). We know about this and whether we like it or not,
whether we run away or not, it is still there: it is a kind contract
for not being ignorant and you cannt hide from it.
Second, I (unfortunately) agree with what JFrancois says about
Debian after the 'Perens affair'. It seems to me that SEUL will
have to work independently of the larger distributions (pick the
best they've got and use it). Debian could be 'indian territory'
for SEUL by now. Just my opinion.
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