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Comments please

Have a look at a document that I have been working on at:


Also, the mirror of the following sections of the Debian-2.0 archive are
current as of today at ftp://ftp.shorelink.com/pub/seul/unstable

admin base devel libs

They are current but not always COMPLETE! The reason is that some files
are actually symlinks to the old 1.3 files as their 2.0 replacements have
not been uploaded yet.  What you see here is what is completed for 2.0.

I still have some space on Corsica so there is room for more if there is a
particular section that you want.

George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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