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Hello all,
In case any of you on seul-leaders don't know me yet (due to the new blood
lately), I'm Martin Jackson. I'm currently heading the seul-pub aspect of
the project, and I'm happy to report plenty of activity on my end of things.
I am a Computer Science major at Mankato State University in Mankato,
Minnesota. I have a liberal arts background with a heavy dollop of
Classics, namely Greek and Latin literature.
I have been using computers quite zealously since the old Atari 400 came
out. I am just learning how to program, and hope to do some seul coding
before 1.0 goes through the door. <g>
I use Debian 1.3.1 at home, having also tried Red Hat 4.1 and 5.0. I use
DEC Ultrix at school, but with gcc-2.7.2 as my compiler (the sysadmins at
MSU are very pro-Linux and use it for most of the mailserving and webserving
boxes on campus).
Martin Jackson: mjackson@deskmedia.com
Information Science Major
Mankato State University
SEUL-Leaders list, seul-leaders-request@seul.org