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Re: What's wrong with Windows, and right with Linux?
A few comments:
Erik writes:
] This means explaining in a serious, non-derogatory manner
] precisely what *is* wrong with Windows.
I have seen the mechanisms causing users to reject the general
commercial framework (i.e. scheme of action, marketing, prices, et
cetera) go well beyond faulty MS products (Windows, whatever).
* A thin (and still shrinking) wallet makes it a strong reason:
Globalization of economy has led to many changes among which .EDU
budget cuts are increasing (in Europe, at least). In the US, as far
as I know, there've been budget cuts as well. This trend will keep
going in Europe for several more years (till all economies are
equalized - god knows how that's gonna be accomplished and how much
it is going to cost). In any case, there's little (or none, in most
cases) money to buy software. And less of all software with a
clown-like marketing strategy (Buy Base Module and if you want
Spectral Analyses buy Module 2 ... and so forth). Within this
context, there'll be an ever expanding nische to SEUL and similar
Also, the grass root level (home users, alone, no hacker friends, no
ftp, no www, just a 'puter in a lonely flat in a huge city OR in the
deep South, Oklahoma or the Rocky Mountains, etc.) should be
* What's good with Windows at a grass root level ?: Well, aunt
Eulalia (who's a green parrot and likes to keep track of how her
roses bloom up bought herself a 'puter and her son explained how she
could use Excel under Win 3.x). Sometimes, aunt Eulalia has
problems and calls her son (who comes and fix them up with
scandisk+defrag, etc.) but, all in all, she manages to switch on the
'puter, click on the Excel icon and keep a data base on her roses
and expenses ... Aunt Eulalia _doesn't_ (want to) know about
lilo's, swaps, configs, resource utilization, benchmarks, speed,
cup's, ram, ppp connections, patches, modem-nukes, whatever: she
just wants to write in Excel: Date, Plant 3, Rose 1 bloomed, etc.
In fact, aunt Eulalia could migrate to SEUL if she puts a CD on the
CDROM and clicks on 'Install' and can click again on the Excel like
icon. SEUL recognized all the components of the 'puter
automatically. If she had a MODEM, it installed all drivers and
selected proggies for email, chat, ftp etc. Even a wordprocessor
and some other utilities which show up as links (icons) on the
desktop which the SEUL guys had the good taste to choose. This
could sound weird but it imposes the greatest tech challenge to
'our' coders. If a 7-8 years old child or aunt Eulalia can install
SEUL, it will hit the entire world.
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