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Re: Note what happens when things are kept closed... :)

I agree on that  one:  Transparency  is very important.  However, an
horizontal structure may lead nowhere, IMO.  Someone or  some  group
have  to take the ultimate decisions and these may not always be the
more popular ones.  For  instance,  I  (as  a non-hacker) may like a
certain piece of software while the hacker laughs at it because s/he
knows what's under the cover.  This raises an interesting  question:
Perhaps,  we  have to make info clear so everyone may understand it.
A good example is the help  system in many proggies and manual pages
in LinUX distributions: They are hard to understand to  non-hackers.
This  issue  at every level may become fundamental to the success of
SEUL.   Also,   a   group   without   internal   fights   and  where
people-in-charge are not always questioned may work better.  This is
not the SEUL case but it may be so in the future  (hope  not).   For
instance,  Debian  and  BSD had internal problems while Linus' group
didn't: the result was that Linus'  (who's accepted by everyone as a
leader) could take decisions which, in his words,  would  have  been
impossible  to  implement.   There is an interview about that one in
the net. Anyway, just a few opinions.



] Subject: Note what happens when things are kept closed... :)
] From: Erik Walthinsen <omega@omegacs.net> ...

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