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Re: [seul-edu] free computing course project

>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Nelson <jtnelson@emirates.net.ae> writes:

    Jeff> Greetings, http://itp.innoved.org/wiki/freecourse

    Jeff> I started this project to "scratch an itch." I am part of a
    Jeff> non-profit organization (http://www.el-camino.net) that does
    Jeff> work in Colombia. One of our new goals is to teach computer
    Jeff> skills in the rural areas, thus the need to develop
    Jeff> curriculum. I hope others also have an "itch" for materials
    Jeff> to teach general computing skills, but using Linux and other
    Jeff> Free Software! I know it can be done, since I've been using
    Jeff> Linux for nearly all of my computing for the last two years.

Hi, I think it is a good project.

I  have helped  in two  free  courses about  Linux administration  for
colombian schools that could be useful, the final reports are at:


The  content  that  we have  written  and  used  in those  courses  is
under continuos development at:


    Jeff> The web site uses a wiki, so anybody and everybody can
    Jeff> contribute.  You can log in as "anonymous" with password
    Jeff> "anonymous", or you can email me for your own username and
    Jeff> password.

I would like username (probably vtamara) and password. 

You are welcome  to join the list SLEC, where  some people of schools,
universities   and  govermment  discuss   about  Linux   en  Colombian
education.  Please check:


And our website at:

where we are  also working in a wiki to develop  a whole curriculum of
computing for schools based enterely on freely redistributable software.

    Jeff> I've set up a framework, but don't have any actual content
    Jeff> yet.

Eventually we could work together  since we are preparing a thrid free
course  for   administration  of  Linux  in   Colombian  schools,  the
pre-inscription form is at the bottom of:


Best regards.
  Vladimir T�mara Pati�o.  
  Home Page: http://www.tamarapatino.com/vladimir