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[seul-edu] New educational website


Playlab endeavors to provide an attractive and useable web-based
mentoring environment enabling users to share specialized skills
and knowledge while providing meaningful constructive criticism
to other "students". Anyone may create a course with a
particular learning objective.  Course administrators will post
assignments for members of the course who will post their work
for criticism by course mentors and other members of the course,
as well as general visitors to the site. Playlab is best suited
for teaching qualitative or artistic skills requiring extensive
subjective feedback and structured assignments. Examples of
classes may include digital photography, writing, music
composition, site-design, graphic design, architecture, textile
design, etc. 

Doug Loss           Advertisements contain the only truths
drloss@home.com     to be relied on in a newspaper.
(570) 326-3987             Mark Twain