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Re: [seul-edu] Site tools for Schoolforge

Doug Loss <drloss@home.com> said:
Watering hole for developers: Wiki. I know and run two implementations,
MoinMoin (e.g. http://www.cdegroot.com/cgi-bin/photowiki) and Swiki
(http://swiki.squeakfoundation.org/squeakfoundation) that work quite good.

For the rest, I think the Zope provides a lot of these things. A
couple of years ago, I started a project called "OSES" (Open Source
Educational Software - oses.org is still registered, if you want it
for this project...). It was a stupid move because I didn't have the
time to pull the project, but I had a working portal in Zope up in a
matter of days. It'd be even easier today with the Zope CMF product,
a sort of portal out-of-the-box with membership services and other cool
stuff, and you have a gigantic pile of Zope products to adorn that all
(there's a weblog, a yahoo-like directory thingie for organizing url's,
addresses, etcetera). The advantage over PHP is that these things
integrate a lot better.

I do agree that Sourceforge wouldn't be the correct solution, in any case ;-).

As far as volunteering is concerned: not a lot of time, but I happen to run an
ISP so I can provide hosting etcetera when needed.

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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