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[seul-edu] PuTTY - Windows telnet/ssh client

Those of you who find yourselves using telnet and ssh a lot from Windows
machines and are looking for a client that actually works should look at


It actually resizes correctly, can change fonts without screwing up, top
even runs, it's just a ton better than others and it's apparently free.
That's important to me since I really want to be able to run numerous
telnets side by side at various widths, oh and the part about these things
actually working really appeals to me :)

Michael Hamblin            http://www.utdallas.edu/~michaelh/
michaelh@utdallas.edu      http://www.ductape.net/
UTD Linux User Group       Engineering and Computer Science Support, x2997
                           "We truly dare not waste our youth..." -Green