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[seul-edu] Writing seul-edu

This isn't especially consequential, but I thought you might find it

Over on seul-pub-www we recently had a small discussion on how to write
the name of our group.  Up till now we've generally used seul-edu, but
I've also seen many other combinations of upper and lowercase letters
and separation characters.

I think that after that discussion I'm going to start using SEUL/edu as
the proper writing of our name for everything other than the mailinglist
name, which is properly seul-edu.  SEUL/edu shows that the SEUL part is
an acronym for Simple End User Linux, and the "/" is a common separator
in computer parlance showing a parent/child relationship.  Plus, I like
the way it looks.  Does anyone else have any thoughts on this, or is it
just too trivial to be concerned with?

Doug Loss                 The difference between the right word and
Data Network Coordinator  the almost right word is the difference
Bloomsburg University     between lightning and a lightning bug.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Mark Twain