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[seul-edu] [Fwd: Re: Question about Testatos]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Question about Testatos
Date: 19 May 2003 12:04:15 +0200
From: Michael Locher <locher@iam.unibe.ch>
To: Doug Loss <drloss@suscom.net>
CC: ese-staff@iam.unibe.ch
References: <1053037290.2218.49.camel@dloss>

Hello Doug

Testatos is used in some computer science courses here at the university
of berne, switzerland.


On Fri, 2003-05-16 at 00:21, Doug Loss wrote:

As you may know, we're working on an ISO of educational software <http://www.seul.org/edu/iso.html> for Linux at the SEUL/edu project.
Our main requirement for applications to be included on this ISO is that
they be scholastically useful (we're focusing on K12 schools). We've been evaluating as many of the apps that we know about as we can, but the effort is languishing as many volunteer projects do. I've determined that any app that is currently being used in one or more schools has de facto demonstrated that it is scholastically useful and has passed our Phase 2 evaluation.

That brings me to my question. Is Testatos currently in use in a
school? If so, I can put it on the Phase 2 list. Thanks for your help!

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Doug Loss                 Courage is resistance to
Data Network Coordinator  fear, mastery of fear --
Bloomsburg University     not absence of fear.
dloss@bloomu.edu           Mark Twain