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[seul-edu] code snippets for physics and chemistry teaching.
Recently announced at freshmeat :
Units-filter http://freshmeat.net/appindex/2000/04/18/956061626.html
Units-Filter is a lightweight stand-alone application written with C,
flex and bison. It enables one to match a student's answer with a
model made of a numerical value plus a physical unit. Currently
recognized are the SI units and some other units listed in the CRC
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. As an example, it can match
'5.0e3 mWb/s' against '5 V' (both notations are equivalent).
Chemeq http://freshmeat.net/appindex/2000/05/02/957277655.html
chemeq is a basic standalone filter written in C, flex, and bison. It
inputs strings that represent chemical equations, like
"2H2 + O2 ---> 2 H2O", and outputs LaTeX code and a message about the
equilibrium of a chemical reaction.
Both filters were written to be hooked to WIMS (http://wims.unice.fr),
or every educational application enabled to spawn scripts and get
their output.
The first filter can perform matching numerical responses in the field
of physics, the second one can match phrases written in the language
of chemical equilibrated equations.
The application which invokes these filters only needs to compare
bytewise the output of the filters for a student's answer and a
model. If both outputs are bytewise equal, both filtered phrases
belong to the same equivalence class regarding the used syntax.