It depends what you are trying to achieve. Lotus Domino is available for Linux (see ), and any number of pure email packages, with or without support options.
Chris Puttick
IT Manager
Central Manchester CLC
+44 (0)161 212 1972
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris
Sent: 12/03/2002 20:50
Subject: [seul-edu] Groupwise for Linux?
Hi Linux Guru's,
First let me say, I've posted a few times and my opinions have always
been well accepted, even though I'm a linux novice. A wonderful group.
It occurred to me while fighting w/ Novel's Groupwise software (on the
MacOS and Win98/NT platforms) that there's got to be other software out
there....maybe there's even Linux software out there.
How about it? Anyone know of any calendar/email/organization packages
under linux?
Remember the education motto: KISS---->Keep It Simple (for the) Stupid
(people, like me).
Christopher Marcoe
Online Learning Program Specialist
Nassau County BOCES
Phone: 516-608-6665
Fax: 516-396-2040
<<Card for Chris>>