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Re: EDUML (Dr. Geo)

> > Could your work or XML be used in anyway with Dr Geo ?

> First of all, I think that Dr. Geo is a work of art. What a pleasure :-)
> thanks, Hilaire.

Thanks to say so ;) 

> I notice two sorts of data files:  *.geo and *.mac corresponding to binary
> files which are probably very efficient way of doing graphics.  Correct me if
> I am wrong, but it looks like *.geo files could be assignments or problem sets
> and *.mac are macro files which could be tool sets to use to solve problems.

This is quite right.

> Students can save their work into *.geo which could be reviewed and compared
> with a correct answer in *.geo format by a teacher.
> How does XML or EDUML fit in?
> idea1:
> If it is true that *.geo and *.mac files are simply a series of api calls to
> drgeo, they could also be saved in text format like thus:
>   <drgeo>
>    <point label="A" x="2" y="4">
>    <point label="B" x="3" y="7">
>    <segment label "AB">
>    </drgeo>

> If we wanted to create randomized problem sets (a different problem for each
> student), we could write a function to randomize between 1 and 40 the x
> coordinate of point A for example and produce personalized problems and
> answer keys for each student in a class on the fly.

This look really interesting. Dr Geo may be turn on a training tool for
geometry. I never thing about this.

Also from XML output it may be possible to render some readable math
text of the figure.
I guess there is parser who can help you given a DTD. I'm a right ?

> This requires either rewriting Dr Geo to save (optionally) in XML format like
> GNUMERIC and/or a  drgeo2eduml and eduml2drgeo conversion function to allow
> EDUML problem sets to be used automatically by Dr Geo and problem set to be
> made by drGeo and stored in EDUML database.

I will definitively use an xml format.
When I will have finish the GTK port I will start desinging a DTD for Dr

Thanks Bruno for the ideas.

Hilaire Fernandes
Dr Geo project http://members.xoom.com/FeYiLai/dr_geo/doctor_geo.html