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Skilled person for Linux in education

We have a new Volunteer on LENPP
Skilled person for Linux in education

 Mark Dalton
I am willing to help schools convert to linux..

Mark Dalton - Minnesota

 Networking of Linux Machines
 Internet - setup, usage, teaching
 Administrator - education, and support for Linux machines.
 High School software - Education courses via WWW, or on the system
 Administrative software
 General Hardware
       - Teaching - C, HTML, Linux, Linux Admin., Linux Applications
       - Free WWW Courses

 Actually I want to OpenSource my ancient WWW Cell Biology Course (1994)

 (I need to redo the graphics with GIMP, they were done with
 And I need to finish writing the text and write quizes.


Title: Doug-Loss
 Back to Linux Educational Needs Posting Pages.
Skilled person for Linux in education

 Mark Dalton
I am willing to help schools convert to linux..
Mark Dalton - Minnesota
 Networking of Linux Machines
 Internet - setup, usage, teaching
 Administrator - education, and support for Linux machines.
 High School software - Education courses via WWW, or on the system
 Administrative software
 General Hardware
       - Teaching - C, HTML, Linux, Linux Admin., Linux Applications
       - Free WWW Courses
 Actually I want to OpenSource my ancient WWW Cell Biology Course (1994)
 (I need to redo the graphics with GIMP, they were done with
 And I need to finish writing the text and write quizes.

Page last modified on 15 March, 1999



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