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[seul-edu] Another app you may like to see

I saw this app today on the linuxmall news page, at
http://www.linuxnews.com/news/?1,221 to be exact :

Hypercosm Studio and Player: Is a 3d animation player for web browsers
(linux, mac and windows available for the player, linux and windows for
the studio) that has a programming language to empower the applets. They
strech it as comparing it to perl, but better read the article, download
the player and studio (about 5-6 Mb total between the two), the docs (in
PDF), and go to the web site http://www.waycoollearning.com/ , where
they have some applets already made for education.

This could be used to make some cross-platform simulations for use in
classes (galaxies, chemistry, science, etc.), but i'm just downloading
it right now, and maybe this afternoon i'll check it out and if it's as
good as their marketing people say (!) i'll post a little about it.

Jaime Herazo B.
Colegio Cristiano J. Vender Murphy