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Re: S/W: Periodic Table Browser


I'm quite new in this area.

Are there any chemistry-aware people around ?
You know what isomery means : different molecules having the
same raw formula.

Kyle Burton wrote:
> How would you store the data?  It's not a flat type of heirarchy...

Please open the "Handbook of Physics and Chemistry", and see how they
store their data.

The key is the raw formula. There are rules to convert a misformed
formula into a right one. Each key leads to possibly many different

What can easily be done, is writing a formula (it can be done
while interacting with some widget like the one in gperiodic),
and at any moment feed back the writer about the existence or
nonexistence of the formula in a database.

When a key in the database is chosen, then the writer can open
a page of html language in some web browser.
The writer can even be prompted to compose a new page or modify
an existing page.

An interesting feature would be to be able to communicate newer
html pages to a repository (managed with a cvs server).
In the same way one would be able to connect to the cvs server to
retrieve the last stable revision of the html pages.

cheers,			Georges.
Georges Khaznadar,
Laboratoire de Dynamique et Structure des Materiaux Moleculaires
Equipe de Thermophysique de la Matiere Condensee - UPRESSA CNRS 8024
Universite du Littoral, MREID,145 Route du Pertuis d'Amont - M. Schumann

Telephone +33 (0)3 28 65 82 42
Fax       +33 (0)3 28 65 82 41
web       http://boltz.univ-littoral.fr/~ltpmc/