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Presentation (Was: Re: Updates and summer efforts)
> I will have a couple of other questions too, on a more personal level,
> because people would like to know more about you (what you're doing...)
> Just for now I would be happy to know exactly what country you're from :
> Sweden, Denmark... ?
Oh, pardon me! I've forgotten all about that since I read all presentations in
the archive...
I'm from and in Sweden; swedish and english are the only languages I use
somewhat fluently, allthough I understand some german, latin and icelandic...
I'm now studying to become a teacher for kids between 6 and 14 in math, natural
sciences, expressive arts and as a special tutor for kids with learning
difficulties (or kids with teachers who have teaching-difficulties (-:).
I'm also a programmer. Computers are my hobby, and I'm constantly torn
between the choice of becoming a full time teacher or a full time programmer.
That's also why this combination of making programs for educational purposes is
I am an idealist, the kind of person who get's high on GNU philosophy :-) In
terms of educational science I can't really say which one of the paths or past
thinkers that apell to me most, allthough I certainly am more drawn towards
Comenius and cognitivism than the behaviorism and classic `programmed learning
materials´ (or what they called it in english). With computer programs that
leaves me to make programs for experiences, for laboration and testing, solving
problems creatively; programs like Dr Geo, a word processor or my ideas of
ExpMath etc. I'm not totally against the common practice-programs either, like
glossary-training, but they don't give me personally that kick...
The reason I still have the edufs-site is that I allready had put some work on
it before I found seul-edu, gotten links to it from a number of other sites,
like GNU. Allthough SEUL is easy to find, searching the link-lists for school
or education won't get anyone there, at least when I did it.. I'll probably
take it down sometime in the future, or make it a swedish part of seul-edu for
the schools I've been in contact with here. I'm trying to get some schools to
try this out, the programs collected and written, seeing what they miss and
modifying things to fit them in their needs. This far I'm only doing this on
one school (age 1-13) that has about 60 computers, setting up a server, some
stand-alones and some weak clients..
Educational Free Software - http://hem.fyristorg.com/edufs/