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Re: SquishDot

Doug Loss <dloss@csrlink.net> wrote:
>It looks very much like SlashDot, but the software is open source.  Take
>a look at it with two questions in mind.  1) How would this be useful in
>a school context?  2) Should we lobby SEUL (hi, Roger :-)) to install
>something like this as part of Roman's site redesign?  BTW, Roman, we
>haven't heard from you for a while.  How are things going?
It's one of the (many) reasons that I have bullied nice people offering
me webspace for the OSES project (www.oses.org) into installing Zope (and
mostly scared them off ;-)). 

[warning, the following sentence contains a dangerously high amount
of buzzwords]
I'm not quite sure how this would fit into a school context, but I do
think that specialized portals/weblogs are the way of the future to get
people to work together in virtual organizations like SEUL, SEUL-EDU,
OSES, or whatever. Application servers like Zope are much better fitted
to that task (indeed, as someone remarked, the Zope Portal toolkit is
coming) than Apache+CGI. 

The OSES website will hopefully get going on Zope next week, I'd suggest
everyone watches closely and see us fail and then do the thing correctly
for SEUL ;-)

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>