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EDUML + Library Project updates

Thank you Doug for your good leadership.  I really appreciate it.

Update on EDUML project

Thanks to Roger, EDUML has a reliable website.  Here is the CORRECT URL:

Thanks to Daniel, EDUML has a DTD that sort of works (also on website)

We are now focussing on getting real data for a reality check.  Getting real
data in EDUML format is not a trivial task and will take some time.  Several
members of the mailing list are working on this (incl. me).

This can be done in one of three ways:

1. creating data completely manually (which is dreadfully boring)
2. creating data via an XML editor (and I am having some success with
   amaya, mozilla, and (x)emacs sgml mode) 
3. writing a conversion program between proprietary existing programs's
   exported data into EDUML (which is now the main focus of my free time)

Update on LIBRARY software

I am currently trying to get EL (proprietary library admin software) to
export ASCII data to file (instead of just to printer) so I can write a
proper conversion program into EDUML (library subset).  I have a nice little
collection of XML extraction/search tools which means that the search
function of the library software is basically ready to go as soon as there
is real data to try it on. 
