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Re: status EDUML/YAQ

On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 10:55:38AM +0100, Bill Tihen wrote:
> I don't know xml, but I was wondering does yaq, allow one to sort through
> the questions and only choose ones from certain groups?  If so, I might
> like to play with it and see how easy it would be to use with my classes.

One can write such a quizzer relatively easily.  The reason I say "easily"
is because one does not need to worry about the content of the quiz, just
about the presentation and order of presentation.  Yaq currently presents
and orders in a linear fashion and so cannot be used in that manner quite
yet.  However,  I plan to use it with my students this week and I will
simply take YAQ and cut out the questions I don't want right out of it.
It will take 7 seconds. Remember: YAQ is just a commodity.  

With the same EDUML content, we can let a thousand quizzers bloom: linear,
menu-like, supermemo-like (neurological interval-based based), paper-based,
aural (for verbal quizzes), email-based, palm-pilot based, slides-based for
projections and presentations, GUI, cli, anything and everything.

While in theory any format could be chosen (not just EDUML) for such a
variety, in practice I believe that the coming plethora of XML tools will
make editing, updating, managing, searching and writing for XML databases so
much more efficient.
