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Re: status: EDUML v0.6


I still can't understand why tags need to  be  translated  into
different languages... Why EDUML needs to appear to the eyes of
end user?

On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Barret Dolph wrote:

>A question from an ignorant headmaster:
>Would this work with non-european languages such as Chinese or Japanese.
>Example: All Chinese "words" have one syllable. One then combines these
>words into groups to make a meaning. Example: dong, east + shi, west =
>thing. The reason why I say this is to show that Chinese works quite
>different from languages we are used to. Furthermore, each word is a
>picture. Formatting changes from Spanish to English are quite easy.
>Formatting changes from English to Chinese are not. Example: An English
>based Access Database may or may not work in Chinese because of formatting

I am not sure if I understood. I always thought that  one  word
is almost always one 'picture' in Chinese... Probably, this  is
just a matter of charset... (Will EDUML support Unicode?)

>PS How does this work with Russian. My Russian is too poor to think through
>this problem.

Russian is like other european language. We just happen to have
a  slightly  larger/different  alphabet  and  more  grammatical

But is it absolutly necessary to have tags in native languages?
Can't the frontend handle them transparently?

Sincerely yours,
Roman A. Suzi

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