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Example project idea

Hi, all!

Please, don't tell me your interest (AS A CO-DEVELOPER)  before
I post specifications! I  think,  I  will  need  assistance  in
points 1,2,5(english),6(english). See below.

I just  think  I  can  try  to  organize  sample  OSS  project.
Unfortunately, I don't have much time I can spend  on  it,  but
the desire is very intensive.

The idea (which is not original ouside open source) is to  make
a native language tutor.

For example, pupils will be faced by a word, couple of words or
a sentence with some letters missing.

They are expected to fill the gaps and receive some remark from
the program, especially on typical errors.

Unlike non-OSS variant, we will have easier course-preparation
procedure, opening all exercises in text form.

In short, 6 things are to be written:

1. 'kernel', which is CLUI and manages problem set database,
 (optionally) monitors student's progress, etc.

2. full text screen interface (or will (4)+Lynx do it?)

3. Tcl/Tk or Gtk interface (Tcl/Tk will do)
   (No need for Gnome-specifics, if I am not mistaken)

4. CGI interface

5. Sample problem set

6. Clear instructions

All this must be adaptaple to different languages  without  any

I will soon prepare some  more  strict  'tech.  reqs'  so  some
'idling' but willing developers could exercise real  fun  doing
this not so complex project.

I have a non-OSS prototype for DOS, but I am not satisfied with
it. It gives stupid diagnostics, confusing students.

Now I am going to think about language  to  represent  problems
in,  so  it  will  be  easier  converted  into  all  kinds   of

I also think the 'kernel' could be made in Perl - so we get the
result faster.

Sincerely yours,
Roman A. Suzi

P.S. there are only 2 problems: 1. my time is very limited
     to 'hobby time' and 2. my internet connection sucks
     and only email is more or less usable.

 -- Petrozavodsk -- Karelia -- Russia --
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