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htmlPlugin - HTML display process program.

The htmlPlugin program performs the actual display functions.
It receives two messages from the help daemon:

1. open filename
2. close

On receipt of the first message the program reads and displays
the file in its main window. The second message causes the
process to die.

The display process displays within a window which is provided
by the help daemon.

The currently existing display process, the html plugin, is
written in tcl/tk and uses the html_library.tcl written by
SUN (note that I am not attributing correctly here, but will
research exactly who wrote and what attribution is needed
and the licences and wot not.)

Much of the actual htmlPlugin code is also from SUN, but has been
altered to work in the context of the help daemon.

Comments are welcome, but keep in mind that this is all in
active development.

Ken Duck

# htmlPlugin
# This file performs two main funtions:
#  1. Receive messages concerning what to display through a known
#     fifo pipe
#  2. Read files and display the contents to the window.
# The file is written in tcl/tk, and should be invoked with the following
#  tk8.0 command:
#    wish exec wish -f testPlugin -use frameID
#  where frameID is the hex number of the frame within which this file
#  should draw.
# Uses: html_library.tcl
#       This file provides the parsing and displaying procedures which are
#       used.
# Note that much of this code is from the demo program for the
#  html_library.tcl from SUN.

puts stderr "Starting sample HTML viewer..."
source html_library.tcl

# construct a simple user interface

proc setup {} {
	frame .frame
	menubutton .menu -relief raised -bd 2 -text options... -menu .menu.m
	# entry .entry  -textvariable Url -width 35
	label .file  -text file:
	#label .status -textvariable Running -width 6 -relief ridge \
	#		-bd 2 -padx 9 -pady 3
	label .msg -textvariable message
	scrollbar .scrollbar  -command ".text yview"  -orient v
	# option add *Text.height 40 startup
	# option add *Text.width 80 startup
	text .text  -yscrollcommand ".scrollbar set" -padx 3 -pady 3 -takefocus 0

	# pack .frame .msg -side top
        pack .scrollbar -side right -expand 0 -fill y
	pack .text -side left -fill both -expand 1
	# pack .file .entry .status .menu -in .frame -side left

	# set up some sample keyboard bindings for the text widget
	bind .entry <Return> {render $Url}
	bind all <End> {.text yview end}
	bind all <Home> {.text yview 0.0}
	bind all <Next> {.text yview scroll 1 page}
	bind all <Prior> {.text yview scroll -1 page}

	# I'm constantly being criticized for never using menus.
	# so here's a menu.  So there.
	menu .menu.m
	.menu.m add command -label "option menu"
	.menu.m add separator
	.menu.m add command -label "font size" -foreground red 
	.menu.m add radiobutton -label small -value 0   -variable Size \
		-command {HMset_state .text -size $Size; render $Url}
	.menu.m add radiobutton -label medium -value 4  -variable Size \
		-command {HMset_state .text -size $Size; render $Url}
	.menu.m add radiobutton -label large -value 12  -variable Size \
		-command {HMset_state .text -size $Size; render $Url}
	.menu.m add separator
	.menu.m add command -label "indent level" -foreground red
	.menu.m add radiobutton -label small -value 0.6 -variable Indent \
		-command {HMset_indent .text $Indent}
	.menu.m add radiobutton -label medium -value 1.2 -variable Indent \
		-command {HMset_indent .text $Indent}
	.menu.m add radiobutton -label large -value 2.4 -variable Indent \
		-command {HMset_indent .text $Indent}

# Go render a page.  We have to make sure we don't render one page while
# still rendering the previous one.  If we get here from a recursive 
# invocation of the event loop, cancel whatever we were rendering when
# we were called.
# If we have a fragment name, try to go there.

proc render {file} {
	global HM.text Url
	global Running message
	.text configure -state normal

	set fragment ""
	regexp {([^#]*)#(.+)} $file dummy file fragment
	if {$file == "" && $fragment != ""} {
		HMgoto .text $fragment
	HMreset_win .text
	set Running busy
	set message "Displaying $file"
	update idletasks
	if {$fragment != ""} {
		HMgoto .text $fragment
	set Url $file
	HMparse_html [get_html $file] {HMrender .text}
	set Running ready
	HMset_state .text -stop 1	;# stop rendering previous page if busy
	set message ""
	.text configure -state disabled


# given a file name, return its html, or invent some html if the file can't
# be opened.

proc get_html {file} {
	global Home
	if {[catch {set fd [open $file]} msg]} {
		return "
			<title>Bad file $file</title>
			<h1>Error reading $file</h1><p>
			<a href=$Home>Go home</a>
	set result [read $fd]
	close $fd
	return $result

# Override the library link-callback routine for the sample app.
# It only handles the simple cases.

proc HMlink_callback {win href} {
	global Url

	if {[string match #* $href]} {
		#render $href
		exec xhelp -f $href
	if {[string match /* $href]} {
		set Url $href
	} else {
		set Url [file dirname $Url]/$href
	exec xhelp -f $Url
	#render $Url

# Supply an image callback function
# Read in an image if we don't already have one
# callback to library for display

proc HMset_image {win handle src} {
	global Url message
	if {[string match /* $src]} {
		set image $src
	} else {
		set image [file dirname $Url]/$src
	set message "fetching image $image"
	if {[string first " $image " " [image names] "] >= 0} {
		HMgot_image $handle $image
	} else {
		set type photo
		if {[file extension $image] == ".bmp"} {set type bitmap}
		catch {image create $type $image -file $image} image
		HMgot_image $handle $image

# Handle base tags.  This breaks if more than 1 base tag is in the document

proc HMtag_base {win param text} {
	global Url
	upvar #0 HM$win var
	HMextract_param $param href Url

# downloading fonts can take a long time.  We'll override the default
# font-setting routine to permit better user feedback on fonts.  We'll
# keep our own list of installed fonts on the side, to guess when delays
# are likely

proc HMset_font {win tag font} {
	global message Fonts
	if {![info exists Fonts($font)]} {
		set Fonts($font) 1
		.msg configure -fg blue
		set message "downloading font $font"
	.msg configure -fg black
	set message ""
	catch {$win tag configure $tag -font $font} message

# Lets invent a new HTML tag, just for fun.
# Change the color of the text. Use html tags of the form:
# <color value=blue> ... </color>
# We can invent a new tag for the display stack.  If it starts with "T"
# it will automatically get mapped directly to a text widget tag.

proc HMtag_color {win param text} {
	upvar #0 HM$win var
	set value bad_color
	HMextract_param $param value
	$win tag configure $value -foreground $value
	HMstack $win "" "Tcolor $value"

proc HMtag_/color {win param text} {
	upvar #0 HM$win var
	HMstack $win / "Tcolor {}"

# Add a font size manipulation primitive, so we can use this sample program
# for on-line presentations.  sizes prefixed with + or - are relative.
#  <font size=[+-]3>  ..... </font>.  Note that this is not the same as
# Netscape's <font> tag.

proc HMtag_font {win param text} {
	upvar #0 HM$win var
	set size 0; set sign ""
	HMextract_param $param size
	regexp {([+-])? *([0-9]+)} $size dummy sign size
	if {$sign != ""} {
		set size [expr [lindex $var(size) end] $sign $size]
	HMstack $win {} "size $size"

# This version is closer to what Netscape does

proc HMtag_font {win param text} {
	upvar #0 HM$win var
	set size 0; set sign ""
	HMextract_param $param size
	regexp {([+-])? *([0-9]+)} $size dummy sign size
	if {$sign != ""} {
		set size [expr [lindex $var(size) end] $sign  $size*2]
		HMstack $win {} "size $size"
	} else {
		HMstack $win {} "size [expr 10 + 2 * $size]"

proc HMtag_/font {win param text} {
	upvar #0 HM$win var
	HMstack $win / "size {}"

# set initial values
set Size 0					;# font size adjustment
set Indent 1.2				;# tab spacing (cm)
set Home [pwd]/html/help.html		;# home document
set Url $Home				;# current file
set Running busy			;# page status
set message ""				;# message line

# make the interface and render the home page
catch setup		;# the catch lets us re-source this file
HMinit_win .text
HMset_state .text -size $Size
HMset_indent .text $Indent

# send helpd pluginInitComplete

  proc reader {pipe} \
    if [eof $pipe] \
      catch {close $pipe}
      set pipe [open plugin.fifo r]
      fileevent $pipe readable [list reader $pipe]
    puts stdout "pipe"
    gets $pipe line
    if {[regexp ^open\ (.*) $line matching filename] != 0} \
      puts stdout "open $filename"
      render $filename
    } \
    elseif {[regexp ^close $line matching filename] != 0} \
    puts stdout "pipe off"


# set read on the fifo
  set pipe [open plugin.fifo r]
  fileevent $pipe readable [list reader $pipe]
