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Re: Core

> unless those layers are also part of the core spec.
That's the plan.  The Core spec in its entirety will also define quite a 
number of optional Layers.  They allow a distribution to plug in a Layer 
that does what they want (for instance, there might be multiple MTA 
layers), and the system maintains compatibility.

> I have my doubts about the necessity of libnewt and libslang.
I just threw them out there because I remember some programs needing them.  
Feel free to disregard if it doesn't make sense.

> If those binaries can be optional, would it make sense to make slang
> optional as well?

> Is the option necessary?  Does any system elect to use sh instead of bash?
Well, the decision has pretty much been made for is.  sh and csh are Unix 
tools, bash and tcsh are free tools.  Guess which ones we use...? :-)

> I disagree.  Here's why:  the core exists for the sake of ensuring
> compatability between different distributions.  Clearly, it is not
> in our interest to require all distribs to use the same PM.  But if
> all that require is that _some_ package management system exist,
> I'm afraid I don't see how much compatability we've ensured.
Well, with the inclusion of alien, and support for the various packagers 
(dpkg, rpm, posix; though preferable lib* rather than the binaries), we can 
make *that* part of the core.  Or, we can make it a Layer.  Either way, we 
have to make sure that whichever packager the distrib chooses (whichever 
distrib), they should have some standardized way of installing *any* 
package that matches up to the Core spec.

> I've got a project for tonight:  I'm going to go through my /bin, /sbin,
> /etc, and /lib to look for more ideas for a core.
> I'll post whatever I come up with later in the evening.

     Erik Walthinsen <omega@seul.org> - SEUL Project system architect
       /  \                SEUL: Simple End-User Linux -
      |    | M E G A            Creating a Linux distribution
      _\  /_                         for the home or office user