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Re: when...

On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Christian Reiniger wrote:

> namespace XYZ
> {
> 	char *Hello = "World";
> 	bool  AmIStupid (void);
> 	int   Everything = 42;
> };
> Here the two vars and the function are in the "XYZ" namespace. That means
> if you want to access them from the "outside", you have to prepend "XYZ::"
> (e.g. int Answer = XYZ::Everything;).
> If you want to access them from within the namespace (e.g. if you're in the
> body of function AmIStupid () and want to access Hello) you don't need that.

Also worth mentioning the 'using' directive:

If you had the above, instead of 

int Answer = XYZ::Everything

you could use, either:

using XYZ::Everything;

int Answer = Everything;


using XYZ;

int Answer = Everything;

You might also noticed that the new *.h header files, now have the 
'using std;' directive.

That is because all all standard library functions are now in 'std'

This might be of interest as well:

>From clarke@ses.com Sat Jun 19 11:18:20 1999
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 15:23:49 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Allan D. Clarke" <clarke@ses.com>
To: cpptips@ses.com
Subject: c++ (nested classes versus namespaces)

TITLE: nested classes versus namespaces

(Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++, 10 May 99)

NIGHTSTRIKE: NightStrike <nightstrike@home.com>


NARAN: Siemel Naran <sbnaran@localhost.localdomain>

There's no real disadvantage to making a class nested.  Here are some
issues to consider.

It takes more typing to created an instance of a nested class.  Eg,
   Section s;
   Remind::Section s;
With namespaces
   namespace Remind { class Section { ... }; }
   int main() { using Remind::Section; Section s1; Section s2; }

You can't forward declare nested classes,
   class Remind::Section; // illegal
   void f(Remind::Section *);
But you can forward declare namespace classes,
   class Section; // fine
   void f(Section *); // fine

If you decide to add more nested classes, too bad.  The enclosing
class can be reopened.  This is probably the biggest disadvantage
with nested classes.
   // file1.h
   struct Remind { class Section1 { ... }; };
   // file2.h
   struct Remind { class Section2 { ... }; };
   // main.c
   #include "file1.h"
   #include "file2.h" /* error: redefinition of class Remind */
But namespaces can be reopened.

Nested classes are good for private data.  Eg,
   // X.h
   class X { class Imp; std::auto_ptr<Imp> imp; public: ... };
   // X.c
   #include "X.h"
   struct X::Imp { ... };
   X::~X() { }
