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Exception base class
This is about something I found in PenguinPlay.h...
I added some comments in square brackets []
--------- PenguinPlay.h -------------
Exception Handling. In the light of the fact that recent versions
of gcc (egcs, 2.8 etc.) seem to have sane C++ support, we believe
we can safely use this.
We can even use RTTI if we want. ?Should we?
[I don't think so. Especially with exceptions we should go back to the bare
minimum, in case the exception indicates a *real* problem (e.g. memory
allocation failure)]
// Base exception class.
// Later we might feel the need to make this thing a bit cleverer.
class ppException{
char* class_string;
[I'd suggest having three fields here (see my notes at the bottom for the
// Name of the class::method throwing the exception
const char *EOrigin;
// Description of the exception class (see notes at bottom)
const char *EType;
// Description of the specific problem
const char *Detail;
ppException() : class_string("Error: Unknown PPlay Exception."){}
//Every error of given type has a particular.
/*virtual*/ char* ClassString(){ return class_string;}
//this string should be set on a per construction basis.
virtual char* Message()=0;
//FIX we should perhaps have a "operator<<(ostream&)" function or the like
//but the corporate will has not yet decided how we handle this.
//(i.e. we haven't decided between iostream or stdio).
----------- End of PenguinPlay.h --------------
With such a class we'd have code like this:
class BillsEmpire
void CheckSituation (void)
if (Marketshare (MS) < Marketshare (Linux))
throw (ppEImpossibleError ("BillsEmpire::CheckSituation",
"We lost the Mono^H^H^H^HQuality lead!!!");
int main (void)
BillsEmpire::EliminateAllChoice ();
catch (ppException &Doomsday)
cout << Doomsday.Origin () << " reported ";
cout << Doomsday.Type () << ". Details: ";
cout << Doomsday.Detail () << endl;
return 0;
I'm using string constants intentionally because they don't need any memory
allocation/complex operations etc and thus lower the risk of screwing
things up even more by throwing an exception.
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