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Re: NO MORE C++ Blues.

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Mikko Torni wrote:

> On Tue, 21 Apr 1998 stark@easynet.fr wrote:
> > This stupid scope lookup is part of the C++ spec. There's nothing you
> > can do against (short of mailing bjarne stroustrup about it :-) ).
> > 
> > There may be a rationale behind it (which I never found), but, well,
> > you have to live with that.
> 	There is; what if it DID call the base class function?
> 	There wouldn't be an easy way to let it NOT call the base
> 	class one...~
		Calling functions from the base class is what inheritance
	is FOR. 

> 	If you subclass something, and then "overwrite" one of the
> 	functions, you don't want the original function to be called,
> 	now do you?
		But I didn't "overwrite" it, I overrode another function
	with the same base name but different arg types, which should
	therefore have been distinct.

Anyway this is all off topic and I think we should stop talking about
it.  I'll work around it in my code, and if we are angry enough about
it then we can set up a petition to the ISO C++ commitee (not that it
will do much good since they have finally voted on a standard).