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RE: Strategy games (was something else and Texture mapping)

On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Gareth Noyce wrote:


>Yeah, that reminds me of that game on the Spectrum (done by the same people
>as the Amiga Laser Squad original) where you had 8 wizards. Same turn based
>thing, with action and movement. How I remember nights spent sending 'Green
>Ooze' on my foes...
>Those were the days.

Ah, yeah. I'd buy old SSI games today at full price if they were
available for Linux. Ugly, but so fun to play.

>Now in my mind there is one /hell/ of a big need for games like that again,
>but with shit-hot CPU opponents, and some great topdown GFX. When I was
>playing the wizards game (whose name I've forgotten) I started doing the GFX
>for an updated version. Nice terrain (I was going to add terrain parameters
>into the movement phase, account for hills etc.), great spells (with nice
>effects) and some funky animal friends to throw into the mix...

The Quakes are on the right track regarding AI, as you can make your own
if you're confident with using C. That game you mention reminds me a bit
about the fights in 'Wizards Crown'. I have yet to see a modern game with
such a detailed battle system and so much different items taht could be
aquired and used. Awesome. 

>If you're working on something along those lines then I'd be interested in
>participating. Time limits me to GFX/SFX at present. I've got a couple of
>coding projects underway already... Oh and I'm always up for playtesting. 

I'm not currently working on one, but I'm always planning on how to
implement my 'project eternity', i.e. a simple Empire-clone. But, I'm real
lousy at doing gfx (I won't even include sound, too much fluff for a first
version), so I'd be happy to use any gfx you might produce. It's still
being planned, and I'm quite realistic about wether I ever get it done.

 Jan 'Chakie' Ekholm |    CS at Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
    Linux Inside     | I'm the blue screen of death, no-one hears you scream