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Linux Game Breeding

This week I got some email from someone asking me what happened to the LGB
site. In other words.. time to bring it back, time to make a new section for

Here's my idea:

- I design a database where creative minds and developers can get together,
  exchange ideas, etc etc. I make PHP code, add a little design that fits
  within LGDC, bla.
- I concentrate on this LGB part, someone else would need to do the regular
  game projects stuff. Bob (Zimenski??), perhaps you could do this and
  somehow connect the Game Tome and LGDC with each other? For example, on
  the Tome there'd be a link "for development information on this game,
  check LGDC" and on LGDC "for general info on this game, check the Tome".
  Something like that.
- I sent my HTML+code etc to Paul who gracefully examines it and places it
  on the site.

Makes sense, don't it? Please comment/improve/embrace+extend ;-)

Rob Kaper | mail: cap@capsi.com + cap@capsi.cx
          | web: http://capsi.com/ + http://capsi.cx/
          | Whenever someone says "my website has Flash" I hope it's the
          | technology and not another webcam.