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Re: Advertising...

On Wed, May 26, 1999 at 08:04:51AM -0400, Paul Tiseo wrote:
> I've never seen this, but is there a commonly accpeted size? Does everyone
> default to the "Get Netscape" button size?
w=88, h=31

Although some are not default, such as the button for The Gimp.

We might want to consider making a 468x60 banner ad as well.

Rob Kaper | mail: cap@capsi.com + cap@capsi.net + cap@capsi.cx
          | web: http://capsi.com/ + http://capsi.cx/ - icq: 707085
          | "Got up early (as in before noon). A most confusing experience
          |  when the sun is coming up not going down." -- Alan Cox