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Paul Tiseo wrote:

>Hope this works, via the news server, as I currently cannot email 

Seems to work fine.

>> * Anni is stil waiting for Gizmo3d
>> (http://www.linux3d.net/gizmo3d/main.shtml) interview questions.
>	It's actually done! He's submitted it to me just a couple of days 
>ago. I don't know how many questions were his own and how many privately 

Cool. I had a quick look at it - it's excellent.

>> * Paul, my tips doc on the site is *not* updated yet. Propably you
>> uploaded the wrong version?
>	Actually, I went back through my files and can't seem to find your 
>updated version. Could you resend? I was *sure* I had uploaded it. I 
>don't understand what happened.

No problem. I wanted to add some more changes anyway ;)


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