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Re: Installation

Philipp Gühring <p.guehring@xpoint.at> writes:

> Well, that was Dos. But how should I do it in Linux?
> I thought about using RPM for installing.

Only RPM or also deb and tar.gz? If only a rpm is pressent the
installation could be a little more compilcated than necesarry, if
somebody does not use redhat or suse.
If the game data is very big (so that not all package formats would
fit onto a CD) it would be probably the best to provide a tar.gz and a
shell script to install it. 

> Now I think it would be best, to make 2 RPM packages:
> wurst-base.rpm
> and
> wurst-video.rpm

Yes, that sounds good.

> But there are several open questions:
> How can I make it easy for the user to install the game?
> Would it be possible to make a bootable CD, which boots Linux, and
> gives a nice graphical menu to the user?

No, a bootable CD would be far to complicated, playing around in the
BIOS to get a game to work isn't much fun. Also it would be very
difficult to detect the linux installation and the correct partitions, 
thats nothing you wanna play with.

> How can the game detect where the CD is mounted, so that it doesn't
> need to question the user for the path.

Assuming /cdrom as default and asking the user if it isn't there.

> How can I make the installation of the RPMs for the users as easy as
> possible?

Most linux users are not brain dead (I hope), so a graphical wrapper
around rpm is not necessary and would annoy much user. A simple notice
in a README should be enough and typing 'rpm -i wurst-base.rpm' is not to

> Does anybody have some ideas that could help?

Another possibilty would be to create an own install programm or shell 
script, which pressent a nice gui an let the user select where to
install the game (default '/usr/local' or /opt). That is the way the most
comercial software (netscape, staroffice, ...) which I have seen


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