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Re: The Author list for LGP
No chapter yet, but I've brainstormed a bunch of
game related ideas. Here's a list of subjects, as
well as my comments.
Re: Input
Usually, by choosing a graphics lib, your choice of
input lib is made for you. This is fine, though,
because it's not like there are a lot of ways to
do input handling.
Re: Licensing
I've seen lots of commercial developers ask about
the LGPL. The misconception: if you make a game
that uses an LGPLed lib, you have to release the
source (or, you can't charge money for the game).
The truth is, as long as the game is dynamically
linked, only the source for the LGPL lib (+mods)
needs to be released. The game itself can stay
as commercial and proprietary as it wants to.
Re: C vs C++
By the time someone's ready to write games, you
can pretty much assume that they're familiar with
a programming language, and it's probably one of
these two. If you're coding a lib, and some users
are C coders, stick with C. Otherwise, C++ has
been around long enough that you can go with
whichever one you feel the most comfortable with.
Some C++ (namespaces, exceptions, templates, STL,
RTTI) has been standardized recently, so you need
a recent compiler (egcs) to support it.
Re: Assembly
Use NASM. But if you code assembly at all, only
do it for the innermost, most repetetive loops.
Otherwise, it's probably not worth it. It's been
years since I've used any assembly myself.
Re: Sound
I'm curious as to what's out there. If someone
did a full overview of the options, the way I did
for graphics, that'd be cool.
Re: Tools
Same deal for media editing tools. Image editors,
paint programs, renderers, modellers, map/level
editors, video editors, audio editors, etc. I'd
be interested in hearing from people experienced
in using some of these. I know and love the gimp,
povray is ok (would be better if there was a
companion modeller program). MiXViews is useable
for editing sound, but there's a lot of room for
improvement. I've heard of moonlight creator and
blender, but I'd like to hear more. Anything else?
Re: Who's Who
What notable figures are active in the linux game
development community? What do they do, and where
can you find them? Carmack? Dave Taylor? Maybe
Jorrit (I've seen lot's of people say that they're
going to write a cool, free 3d engine - CrystalSpace
is the only one thusfar that I've seen succeed).
Re: Net
BSD sockets. Anything else we need to know? Dan,
maybe you can comment here - all of the network
programming I've done has been unix-based client-
server stuff, never games.
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