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Re: The website needs updating. B-)

On Thursday 03 February 2005 03:03, Gianfranco Berardi wrote:
> As I am sure everyone knows, http://lgdc.sunsite.dk/ hasn't been
> updated in years.  Or if it has, the main page doesn't reflect this. 

It hasn't been updated because there was little interest in it. Actually 
what you see now is just a static dump of the site as it was some time 
ago (because that way I didn't have to track down some nasty PHP 
compatibility bug).

> This is not a good thing because this site is the one that everyone
> links to when it comes to game development for GNU/Linux.
> Are there ever going to be plans to update the site?  Or is there an
> updated site at a different URL?

If someone wants to step forward and take over (i.e. do *regular* 
updates), great. I don't have the time for it.

Christian Reiniger

People who love sausage and respect the law should never watch either
of them being made.

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