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Re: Introduction!
Josef Spillner wrote:
> Now what I've found to be an interesting challenge with regards to the
> mentioned windows-influenced gamedev scene is the following:
> http://www.gotdotnet.com/terrarium/whatis/
> I asked myself how that would be possible on the Linux as it is now, or will
> be in a few months from now, without .NET (mono) and what its VM has to offer
> in regards of security/capabilities (see below).
I wrote something *very* much like this on a bunch of Sun workstations about
15 years ago (it would be just as easy under Linux). I had a tiny interpreter
for a simple language which was used to drive little tank-like vehicles around
the screen. The 'world' these vehicles fought in was hosted in a distributed
manner such that any of the computers could be taken off the net and the
remainder would continue to run the "game".
However, this isn't much of a game in the usual sense of the term - and there
are some severe problems with doing it without a central server that I'm sure
".NET" doesn't help you to resolve. Issues of simultenaity in a large network
are what kill you. It's REALLY hard to do that stuff right - even with a
central authority.
> To write the main framework for this game, any normal methods could be used,
> however I'd prefer a scripting language for 2 reasons:
...but if you don't use a scripting language then you can only run on utterly
homogeneous machines who are *VERY* trusting! (Which is why Microsoft can
do it).
I really think this is a case of "Well, yes - quite clever - but *WHY*?"
----------------------------- Steve Baker -------------------------------
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