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Re: First release of Blocks: a 3D Tetris LookALike based on Crystal Space
> I don't want to come on too hard on Tetris authors. The appeal
> of writing a Tetris clone as a learning exercise or as a teaching
> tool (as I suspect 'blocks' is) is that everyone knows what the
> game is all about - so you can get right into the coding.
> I just wish that people who actually want to contribute a
> useful/interesting piece of software to the Linux community
> would stop and use just a LITTLE imagination and write something
> new. Linux needs more great games - but adding yet another
> Tetris is just a horrible waste of time and talent.
Well two things. Personally I like playing games like this and I wasn't
actually aware of other 3D versions.
Second, in this case I don't think the time is wasted even if NOONE
plays it. The point is that Blocks itself is actually very small. The main
work was in Crystal Space which is a general library. So this work
pays of for other games that will/can use Crystal Space.
Jorrit.Tyberghein@uz.kuleuven.ac.be, University Hospitals KU Leuven BELGIUM
- "It looks worse than you can imagine!"
- "I can imagine some pretty bad things!"
- "That's why I said *worse*!"
-- (Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures)