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Re: OpenGL's complainyness

>I guess you are already using 'glGetError' *before* you call
>the glBegin that seems to be the first problem?

Yeah, did that in case it was a hanging error. Learnt that lesson... :-)

Note that:

>1) It's illegal to call glGetError between glBegin and glEnd (!),
>   so if you have a missing glEnd, it can be hard to find the
>   actual error.

Oh. That's rather special isn't it?

{cue a small hack in the gldraw singleton's "happycheck()" method...}

>2) You may need to call glGetError multiple times to get ALL
>   the errors.

It stacks them?!?! Eck.

{cue a small hack in the gldraw singleton's err() method to retrieve 'em all..}

See if that helps...

>If all else fails, you can email me the code that's called
>before the failure and I'd be happy to take a look at it.

I've resorted to reading the Mesa source ATM... the code I'm using is quite big.
Which is why this is
annoying: I've been carefully incrementally adding things and suddenly whump. It