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Starting the website's look-and-feel :)


	Well, as the new "WAD" I have begun with the web page design. Just so you
know I am not already afflicted with the linuxgames webmaster curse right
after having taken on the mantle, I have a very cursory overview available at:


	It's nothing much...yet. Just a title header and the "news" HTML code
snippet for display of main page news items. I'm trying to keep the graphic
content low so as to get something up quickly. No need for whizz-bang
graphics that'll slow things down for the busy developer, I guess. :)
Unless everyone wants to see "fake chrome" interfaces... :)

	Feel free to tell me it's garbage..just make sure you tell me why... ;)

	I have begun structuring it as follows: (The nav bar is coming soon.
Actually, I have it on my box and haven't uploaded it yet. The one on the
iste is pure filler to get proportions right.) The items are knocked off
the old site. Please suggest additional general categories if you think of
any I missed in the latest flurry of emails. :) I fully realize that
suggestions are still in flux, I will do my best to get them incorporated


	* News: This would greet the visitor on the main page.
               It should be used to announce brief, noteworthy
               news (new/updated development tool versions,
               industry news, new additions or updates to site
               content, etc.)
	* Mailing Lists: We could list a page with means for us
                        to exchange ideas. Email lists, irc, etc...
	* Links: Other sites that would be of interest. All sites
                that are referenced on our site should be included
                here. Perhaps even evaluated and given an LGDC
	* About The Site: I saw a "history" page on the old site.
                         Names and legacy should be encouraged
	                  to build community.
	* About The People/Contacts: Us!


	* Project Management: Articles that pertain to proper
                             running of a team effort.
	* Code Repository: This would really lend itself to a 
                          databased format. Code snippets. Full game
                          source. Anything that is code. Some just
                          straight code, others with explanations.
	* Coding Theory: Articles more about how to code than actual
                        code itself.  Articles on design, art, 
                        sound, etc. See Game Developer magazine or
                        loonygames.com for an idea of what might be
                        good for this.
	* Tools & SDKs: Reviews and informations about tools available
                       to the linux game developer. Pros/Cons, etc.
	* The Industry: Views and interviews with actual commercial
                       and/or serious efforts.

	It would be neat if we could really get a neat "webzine"-like site going.
The linux community could use it. With the talented people on this list,
perhaps we can find columnists or something? (although, most developers are
usually much too busy.) I myself am considering doing a series for the
newbie...a trials-and-tribulation, journal-type column of my experiences as
I delve into the linux game environment.

	Please feel free to suggest, annoy, complain and dump angst on me about
the design/layout/look of the site. After all, linux is about a group of
people getting off their proverbial backends and making something great...

	Now that I am done pontificating... :) :)

Paul Tiseo