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Cooperative Free Software Game Development ?

Has a page been set up mentioning Free Software game projects
which are looking for developers, artitsts, writers, etc. ?

Has a page been set up mentioning people who would like
to work on Free Software games in a group, writing code,
doing artwork, story, or otherwise ?

I would like to have my name added to the latter, though
it's hard to tell how much time I could spare right now,
it should be possible to do something about it within a few
weeks or months if a nice project hits me.

- I'd like to use TOM, Objective-C or C++ as a language.
- I've found the following games interesting lately:
  - dungeon keeper
  - StarCraft
  - Heroes II
- I'd also enjoy working on the following kinds of games:
  - SimCity 2000-like, but better in traffic sim. aspects
  - Civ. x, but w/ diff. focus since they are good enough.

Since graphics programming is the most interesting to me,
I'd also be interested in working on another idea involving
isomatric projection or maybe 2-d platform.
(I'm not experienced in graphics programming for games, so
I'm not suitable for beeing lead graphics programmer for
a project, but willing to learn and contribute what I can.)

While Free Software game projects, particularly non-commercial
games, will not likely produce results comparable
to successful contemporary games, there are some nice free
games available and pulling together people with different
interests and skills could even produce some more.

It seems it would be best to use SDL for a 2-d game for
now, is this correct ?

How about setting up a page with roalty-free textures,
sound bits, etc. or linking to sites offering these ?

Best regards,