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Features of the upcoming 0.0.0 release

Based on RedHat 7.

Focus will be in graphics: Linux should not be a boring web server
but a platform for doing exciting things.  With this in mind ythe
following are requirements for releasing 0.0.0

1) Removing cluster software (limited use for 99% of people)

2) Replacing sendmail by the faster, easier to setup and more secure

3) Adding the non-VI editor for repairs

4) Blender 1.8 with manuals and tutorials

5) Povray and Giram (modeller)

6) Vector graphics program.  For now it is sketch over KDraw, I still
   have not made my mind about using the old Tk based version or the
   nicer but still beta GTk version.

Things to implement if there is time:

1) Rebuilding XFree for more speed ad fixing french keyboard handling

2) Perhaps a newer Gimp but the RH version is very modern.  Rebuilding
   it would allow to add some plugins

3) Add a couple hacks who make X significantly more robust to user

4) Fix Linuxconf: the stupid thing will be looking for sendail and
   complaing about not finding it.

Things for later:

-Installation and logo fixes

			Jean Francois Martinez

Project Independence: Linux for the Masses